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Key wrapping for transit key import

The "bring your own key" (BYOK) functionality for the transit secrets engine allows users to import keys that were generated outside of OpenBao into the transit secrets engine.

This document describes the process for wrapping an externally-generated key (the target key) for import into OpenBao. It describes the processes for importing a software-stored key using Golang and for importing a key that is stored in an HSM.

Mount the secrets engine

$ bao secrets enable transit
Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/

Retrieve the transit wrapping key

$ bao read transit/wrapping_key

This returns a 4096-bit RSA key.

The steps after this depend on whether the key is stored using a software solution or in an HSM.

Software example (Go)

This example assumes that the key is stored in software using the variable name key. It demonstrates how to wrap the target key using Golang crypto libraries.

Once you have the wrapping key, you can parse it using the encoding/pem and crypto/x509 libraries (the example code below assumes that the wrapping key has been written to a variable called wrappingKeyString):

keyBlock, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(wrappingKeyString))
parsedKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(keyBlock.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return err

Then generate an ephemeral AES key for wrapping the target key. This example uses Golang's crypto/rand library for generating the key:

ephemeralAESKey := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(ephemeralAESKey)
if err != nil {
return err

NOTE: Be sure to securely delete the ephemeral AES key once it has been used!

Google's tink library provides a function for performing the key wrap operation:

wrapKWP, err := subtle.NewKWP(aesKey)
if err != nil {
return err
wrappedTargetKey, err := wrapKWP.Wrap(key)
if err != nil {
return err

Then encrypt the ephemeral AES key using the transit wrapping key:

wrappedAESKey, err := rsa.EncryptOAEP(
if err != nil {
return err

Note that though this example uses SHA256, OpenBao also supports the use of SHA1, SHA384, or SHA512. The hash function that was used at this step will need to be provided as a parameter when importing the key.

Finally, concatenate the wrapped keys into a single byte string. The leftmost 4096 bits of the string should be the wrapped AES key, and the remaining bits should be the wrapped target key. Then the resulting bytes should be base64-encoded.

combinedCiphertext := append(wrappedAESKey, wrappedTargetKey...)
base64Ciphertext := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(combinedCiphertext)

This is the ciphertext that should be provided to OpenBao when importing a key into the transit secrets engine.

$ bao write transit/keys/test-key/import ciphertext=$CIPHERTEXT hash_function=SHA256 type=$KEY_TYPE

AWS CloudHSM example

This example demonstrates how to import a key into the transit secrets engine from an AWS CloudHSM cluster. The process and mechanisms used will apply to importing a key from an HSM in general, but the details will differ between HSMs.

For information on creating and communicating with an AWS CloudHSM cluster, see the Getting Started guide in the AWS CloudHSM documentation.

Communication with the HSM uses AWS's key_mgmt_util tool. For help setting that up, see the Getting Started page for key_mgmt_util.

The first step is writing the transit wrapping key to the HSM. This involves creating a new RSA public key object with the key returned by transit's wrapping_key endpoint.

$ importPubKey -f wrapping_key.pem -l "openbao-transit-wrapping-key"

This will create the public key in the HSM with all of the necessary permissions. If you're using a different tool, make sure that the usage for the wrapping key includes the attribute CKA_WRAP.

The next step is wrapping the target key using the wrapping key. If the ID of the target key is 1 and the wrapping key is 2, the command looks like this:

$ wrapKey -noheader -k 1 -w 2 -t 3 -m 7 -out ciphertext.key

The -m 7 flag specifies the mechanism to use for the key wrapping. For AWS CloudHSM, 7 corresponds to the PKCS11 mechanism CKM_AES_RSA_KEY_WRAP (see the AWS documentation for details). The -t 3 flag specifies SHA256 as the hash function. The result is written to a file called ciphertext.key. The noheader flag ensures that the ciphertext does not include an AWS-specific header.

The output from this is a binary file, which needs to be base64-encoded when it is provided to OpenBao.

$ export CIPHERTEXT=$(base64 ciphertext.key)
$ bao write transit/keys/test-key/import ciphertext=$CIPHERTEXT hash_function=SHA256 type=$KEY_TYPE

Once the key has been imported, it can be used like any other transit key.